

At Featherstone Homes, we prioritize eco-friendly development for long-term value and quality. Our commitment to minimising environmental impact and enhancing sustainability is what sets us apart. This commitment perfectly aligns with our belief that long-term strategies for returns will outperform all others.


In Build-to-Rent, there is a greater advantage in choosing quality to attract premium tenants over a longer period.

Eco-friendly development is a mark of quality and long-term value that our target renters seek. Consequently, this is a proven source of excellent returns for our investors.

Such developments require experience and skill on the part of the developer. We deploy this expertise to minimise environmental impact at every touchpoint, from the energy it uses and the effect on the local ecology, to using locally sourced green materials and design features that reduce emissions.

This tenant appeal, we feel, offers an undeniable incentive for developers to do the right thing:

Build Eco-friendly from the start.

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